Monday, February 3, 2020

Winter Gloom Mode Cont

I am still in Winter gloom mode. I suspect that as today is Groundhog Day, it will last another 6 weeks, at least. And no, I cannot see my shadow. So what's an artist to do? I have totally lost my plein aire vibe and have been migrating from window to window looking at the same trees, the same grass, and the same the same bushes totally bored. Obviously, getting out of the house should go on my to do list, but sometimes it is useful to just sit with something and let it settle in. Be with it and see what arises and whether that is deserving of expression. It's a Zen thing. This feeling of boredom may have something to teach you. You may have to dig deeper into response and memory, craft an alternate solution to the way you usually work.

Or not. You can just clean your studio instead or catch up on paperwork. Your choice.