Wednesday, December 4, 2013

I have been busy on the business end of my art life and getting distracted by quilting projects. Yeah, quilting. Its my dirty little secret. I feel like I'm betraying my mission on earth when I quilt, but I do love it. The color play! So addictive. I will just have to find a balance of one more piece of my life.

I am now on Fine Art America. You can buy prints of some of my work. I have been slowly scanning (small scanner! See below.) paintings into my laptop in sections and then Photoshopping them together. It is a long arduous process involving propping things up on books and stools. I just finished scanning "Muscle Shells" in which is 36" x 52" and requires 30 individual scans. My next step is the "knitting" step where I erase and soften those edges. I found it particularly difficult to keep the work square with itself so each piece isn't tilting just a tiny bit. I also find it useful to do this on a cloudy day. Nothing like a bright blast of sunshine right on the scanner to skew the color balance.